Dry eye is a really uncomfortable eye disease. It causes your comfort to be negatively affected in your daily life. We know that it causes many uncomfortable complaints such as itching sensation, burning and stinging, reddened appearance. Of course, there are a wide variety of treatments to eliminate these negative effects and relieve the person’s discomfort. On the one hand, the scientific world continues to research effective alternative treatments. One of the researches conducted in this direction is on vitamin D. Experiments have been conducted on how effective the vitamin is against dry eye and some remarkable results have been obtained.
How Effective Is Vitamin D in Dry Eye Disease?
In scientific research published on the Pubmed platform, we see that more than 200 dry eye patients were examined. In the study to reveal the possible effect of vitamin D, patients are divided into two groups.
While one group is supplemented with vitamin D, the other group is given empty supplements that will have a placebo effect. In the results of the research, tear production, tear film stability, oxidative stress points are examined. Let’s add the results below.
- Case for Tear Production: In the group taking supplements for vitamin D, it was found that there was a 30% increase in tear production. Of course, these results could not be achieved in the placebo-oriented test group.
- Tear Film Stability: Again, according to the evaluations made, tear film stability has been reported to show an improvement between 20% and 25%. Therefore, we can say that a more effective and stable tear film layer reduces dryness on the eye surface and keeps the eye surface more moist.
- Oxidative Stress and Inflammation: In the vitamin D supplementation group, oxidative stress on the eye surface decreased by 15% and inflammation markers decreased by 20%.
These are the results obtained in follow-ups over 8 to 12 weeks. If we look at the results obtained from this scientific research alone, vitamin D has a remarkable effect against dry eye syndrome.
Of course, this should not be based on a single scientific research. More scientific research is required to make more precise judgements.
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36674972/