Is Omega-3 Diet Effective Against Dry Eye?

Dry eye is not a disease that directly impairs your vision. Having dry eye does not mean that your vision will deteriorate and you will face the situation of using glasses or lenses as in refractive error disorders. However, we can say that dry eye affects your life comfort in general. Negativities such as a reddened appearance in the eye, constant itching, burning and stinging can become quite annoying in your daily routine. As such, the treatment of dry eye is at least as important as treating refractive errors.

When it comes to the treatment part of the job, we see that many various treatment options are offered. Yes, with the developing technology, there are many treatments that can be preferred to eliminate dry eye, but on the other hand, scientists continue to research treatments and methods that may be effective against dry eye.

One of the parts subject to research is the relationship between dry eye and eating habits. The scientific research we will talk about in this article is exactly on this subject and is a research showing whether omega-3 fatty acids are effective against dry eye.

What Effect Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids Show Against Dry Eye?

In the scientific research published on the National Library of Medicine page, we see that two groups of 470 people each spending time in front of visual screens were evaluated. The first group of 470 people is given omega-3 fatty acid (EPA and DHA) capsules.

The other group is given olive oil capsules to create a placebo effect. In the study in which both groups were followed up for 6 months, controls were performed at 1 month, 3 months and 6 months.

Is Omega-3 Diet Effective Against Dry Eye

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As a result of the controls, the group receiving omega-3 fatty acid supplements showed significant improvements in tear density and tear film duration. In addition, there is an improvement in dry eye symptoms. Let’s add that this effect was even more pronounced in patients with low Omega-3 index before.

In the second group, in which olive oil capsules were given, no significant improvement in eye health occurred. There was no regression in dry eye symptoms.

Kuru Göze Karşı Omega-3 Ağırlıklı Beslenmek Etkili mi

Is Omega 3 Diet Effective Against Dry Eye 6

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Based on all these findings, we can say that consuming omega-3 fatty acids and foods rich in these fatty acids is effective in alleviating dry eye symptoms. Of course, it would be more beneficial to consult a specialist doctor and, if necessary, follow the nutrition programme recommended by the doctor.


Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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