What Causes Presbyopia?

Presbyopia, known as nearsightedness, occurs when the patient cannot clearly distinguish objects at close range. Especially after a certain age, the effects of the disease become clearer and you can see that near vision problems increase. So why does Presbyopia occur? How does the problem of near vision occur? Let’s proceed with the answer to this curious question.

Why and How Presbyopia Develops?

The biggest and main cause is old age. To explain it better, let’s start by talking about the structure of the eye. In late-age, healthy individuals, the lens of the eye is transparent and flexible to the desired degree.

This allows the lens to focus easily on both distant and near objects. As the age starts to progress, this elastic structure in the lens of the eye starts to disappear.

After a while, the elasticity of the lens is lost and the lens has difficulty focusing on nearby objects. As age progresses, this process of structural deterioration accelerates and the problem of near vision begins to increase. As the flexibility of the lens gradually decreases, the near vision problem gradually increases and it becomes difficult for the person to see near.

Presbiyopi neden olur 3

We can say that this is the most obvious reason for presbyopia. It is necessary to say that there are various methods for the treatment of the lens whose ability to change shape is weakened. Aside from methods such as the use of glasses and bifocal lenses, we should also say that treatment options such as lens implants have started to be offered with new technologies.

Let us state that one of the most effective and new treatment methods is Allograft Corneal Inlay. If you want to have detailed information about the method used for the treatment of near vision impairment, we will be adding a link right here.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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