What are the Treatments for Near Vision?

Near vision impairment is one of the disorders that begin to occur after the 40s and directly affect the comfort of vision. We can also show that the use of close glasses by patients with near vision problems is a negativity that affects their comfort of life. So what are the treatments that do not require the use of near glasses? How can we solve the problem of nearsightedness?

Methods Applied in Near Vision Treatment

  • Intraocular Lens Surgery: One of the surgical methods used to correct near vision. With this method, the intraocular lens is removed and replaced with multifocal or trifocal lenses. We can say that it is among the main methods preferred especially for patients who also have cataract problems.
  • Laser Treatments: PRK or LASIK laser treatments can also be applied for near vision impairment. Here, with the technique called monovision, vision can be reorganized by adjusting one eye to see near well and one eye to see far well.
  • PresbyLASIK Treatment: It works in a very similar logic to the logic in PRK and LASIK treatments. With this special LASIK, different focal points are created on the cornea and near and far vision is achieved.
  • Allotex Allograft Corneal Inlay: One of the newest approaches to near vision treatment is the Allotex Allograft Corneal Inlay. In the treatment, a thin allograft ring made from all-natural, human tissue is placed inside the cornea. The tissue, which is shaped with a laser and sterilized with an electron beam, is completely biologically compatible and therefore fits the eye without any problems.

Yakın görme bozukluğu

All these methods are important treatments to provide effective solutions in the treatment of near vision. However, it should not be forgotten that a specialist doctor’s examination is very important in order to decide which of these treatments will be applied to the patient. After a detailed examination, the most appropriate treatment for the patient is decided and the application is made accordingly. Especially for innovative solutions such as Allograft Corneal Inlay, it is necessary to get detailed information from the specialist doctor and proceed as determined by the doctor.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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