Can Cataracts be Prevented?

Cataracts are one of the most common diseases that directly affect vision and cause vision loss. According to recent studies, cataracts are among the leading causes of blindness worldwide, accounting for 35% of blindness worldwide. But are there any preventive steps for cataracts, which can cause vision to deteriorate to the point of blindness? Can cataracts be prevented?

Can we prevent cataracts?

Cataract, which often develops due to age, is one of the progressive diseases. Over time, the lens of the eye gradually becomes dull and as a result, the patient may lose vision.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely prevent cataracts. There is a definitive treatment for the disease, but there is not much that can be done in terms of prevention. However, the progression of the disease can be slowed down by paying attention to certain criteria. You can consider the following criteria for this.

  • Paying attention to a healthy diet
  • Providing protection of the eyes from UV rays
  • Paying attention to smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Use protective eyewear to protect the eyes against external influences
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a healthy diet
  • Go for regular eye examinations and follow the doctor’s recommendations

Katarakt Önlenebilir mi

Tüm bu kriterlere dikkat etmeniz katarakt oluşumunu olabildiğince ötelemenizi sağlayabilir. Burada erken teşhisin de önemli olduğunu unutmamak gerekir. Katarakta ne kadar erken müdahale edilirse, ameliyat sonrası süreç o kadar rahat ilerler ve iyileşme süreci de o kadar kısa olur. Hasta bu şekilde çok daha kısa süreler içerisinde yüksek bir görüş kalitesine ulaşabilir.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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