Does Eye Migraine Have an Impact on Eye Health?

Migraine is one of the diseases characterised by severe headache and nausea due to pain. When we look more in-depth rather than in general terms, we can say that there are different types of migraine. Eye migraine is among these types and can affect a person’s vision. So what is eye migraine? Does eye migraine impair eye health? Let’s look at the answers with scientific research.

What is Eye Migraine?

It is a type of migraine that often occurs in one eye, can manifest itself with severe pain and causes temporary visual disturbances in the eye. It can also be called ocular migraine or retinal migraine.

Although the cause is not known exactly, there are some clear symptoms. Let’s talk about these symptoms, which are usually encountered during migraine attacks.

What are the Symptoms of Eye Migraine?

  • Lights that shine and cause flickering
  • Slick line appearances on a flat surface
  • Zigzag image

These symptoms may be followed by attacks. The pain attacks are usually short-lived and can cause visual disturbances that heal within a short period of time.

Ocular MigraineDoes Eye Migraine Disrupt Eye Health?

The cause of the disease is not known for certain. It can be caused by chemical changes in the brain or spasms in blood vessels, as well as various genetic predispositions.

Although the cause is not known for certain, there are various studies on the effects on eye health. According to research, visual disturbances may occur after the attack. There may be complaints of zigzag vision, hazy patterns in vision or flickering lights.

However, it should be noted that these complaints are often temporary. In most patients, these complaints disappear within 20-30 minutes and vision gradually returns to normal. In a certain number of patients, this period can be as long as 4 hours to 72 hours. In very rare cases, eye migraine may cause permanent disorders on eye health.

In very rare cases, complications with permanent effects such as retinal artery occlusion, retinal infarction, retinal haemorrhage may occur. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist ophthalmologist.

Based on all this information, we can define eye migraine as a disease with a low risk of causing serious complications, causing short-term discomfort and short-term visual disturbances. It should be noted that if the complications continue for a long time, permanent vision problems are experienced or the attacks are experienced for the first time without a diagnosis, a specialist physician should be consulted.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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