How Does Demodex Blepharitis Affect Quality of Life?

Demodex is one of the mite species that can be seen in everyone but not known by everyone. We also define demodexes, which we can frequently encounter especially at the base of the eyelashes, as eyelash base parasites. The negativities caused by these mites, which can occur at the base of the eyelashes, are too numerous to count. Here Demodex Blepharitis is one of these negativities. Mites that settle in the eyelash bases can cause eyelid inflammation, ie blepharitis, which causes blockage of the channels here. Depending on this effect, we know that important complaints such as dry eyes can also occur.

So how much does Demodex Blepharitis affect comfort in daily life? Let’s explain the subject a little more by going through the researches on this subject.

How Much Does Demodex Blepharitis Affect Daily Life Comfort?

According to scientific research published on 2 September 2022 on Dovepress, mites that occur at the base of the eyelashes and blepharitis that develops accordingly have a very disturbing effect. First, we will talk about the research and look at the complaints of patients who experience this condition.

How was the research conducted? How Many People Participated?

In the research conducted in the USA, 311 adult Demodex Blepharitis patients were evaluated. Detailed examinations were also performed to determine which symptoms the patients had.

Personal questionnaires were included to evaluate the daily lives of people with the disease and to score the quality of life.

It should be noted that the average age of the patients in this study was 68 years, the age range was between 23 and 92 years, 62.4% of the participants were female and 37.6% were male.

Demodex Blefariti

Results on daily life and complaints

As a result of the evaluations, it was concluded that 51% of the patients had been experiencing this problem for 4 years and some of them did not even realise that this was the problem.

The most common symptoms experienced by these patients were;

  • dry eyes with 64%,
  • Itching in the eye with 50%,
  • Eye irritation was found to be present in 44 per cent.

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Demodex Blefariti 2

The majority of patients reported that they experienced these symptoms frequently. Consequently, it was recorded that the effects of this on daily life were also negative.

According to this, patients with Demodex Blephariti;

  • 47% of them are aware that they have a discomfort in their eyes during the day and feel the discomfort of this.
  • 23% stated that they worry about their eyes every day and think about it constantly.
  • 47% stated that they had difficulty driving at night.
  • 30% mentioned that they need to allocate additional time daily for eye hygiene.
  • 34% stated that they have difficulty applying eye make-up.

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Demodex Blefariti 5

Diagnosis and Treatment Methods

The study also analysed how these patients took steps to solve the problem. Accordingly, 58% of the patients stated that they did not have such a diagnosis before. Of the patients who sought treatment, 47% used artificial tears, 32% preferred hot compresses, while 14% sought a solution with eyelid wipes. Of the patients who stopped these treatment approaches, 43% stated that they did not see any effect from these treatments. For this reason, they stated that they did not continue these treatments and cited ineffectiveness as the reason.


Considering all these evaluations, Demodex Blepharitis is one of the diseases that negatively affect daily life and can cause psychosocial problems in patients. Patients are very uncomfortable with the situation, but they have difficulty in finding effective treatment. It is important to solve the underlying cause, that is, the demodex problem. A detailed examination and new technology alternative treatment solutions such as LipiFlow may be required.


Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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