Is Tea Tree Oil Good for Dry Eyes?

If you suffer from dry eye, you are facing uncomfortable effects such as burning and stinging sensation in the eye, excessive redness, excessive watering of the eye. These effects will negatively affect your eye health and directly reduce your comfort of life. Consequently, dry eye is a condition that needs to be given importance and treated. New developments are constantly taking place in terms of treatment and various technological approaches can now offer much more effective treatments. Aside from the actively applied treatments, there are also many things that patients wonder about dry eye. The most frequently asked question is “Is tea tree oil good for dry eye?”.

Based on a natural oil, it would not be correct to say that it is good for dry eye or has a bad effect. But there are scientific studies examining the effects of tea tree oil on dry eyes. In this content, we will give information about these scientific studies and talk about the details.

What is Tea Tree Oil? Structure and Components (2)

Let’s start by briefly talking about the properties of this oil. Tea tree oil is an oil obtained from the tree with the Latin name Melaleuca Alternifoli, whose homeland is Australia. It has been determined that there are more than 100 components in this volatile oil obtained from the leaves of the tree.

But if we look at the research, we can say that there are two components that stand out here. These two components that are active in the oil are terpinen-4-ol and 1,8 cineole.

Terpinen-4-ol has been identified as the main prominent component. Because research shows that this component has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

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Is Tea Tree Oil Good for Dry Eyes? (1)

Let’s go back to the research. In the scientific article published through the National Library of Medicine, the effect of tea tree oil on demodex mites and blepharitis was examined.

Note: Demodex mites are parasites that can be seen at the base of the eyelashes and are also known as eyelash parasites. They can settle at the base of the eyelashes and cause blockage there, leading to the development of blepharitis. Blepharitis: Also known as eyelid inflammation. It is a condition that occurs when the sebaceous glands located at the base of the eyelashes, which are important in oil secretion, are blocked.

In a study of 60 people, a solution containing tea tree was used and it was concluded that the terpinen-4-ol component in tea tree oil helps to reduce demedox mites.

During the 4-week follow-up period, 67% of the patients showed significant improvements in blepharitis symptoms.

When these findings are evaluated, the reduction of demodex mites and improvement in blepharitis effects are important for dry eye. Because blepharitis can cause dry eye because it prevents the correct secretion of oil at the base of the eyelashes.

The reduction of this effect can be shown as a positive development in terms of dry eye.

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Attention Here

Research shows that tea tree oil can have a helpful effect in the treatment of dry eyes. Of course, much more scientific research is needed before we can speak in more detail. It is also very important how and how much to use. The doctor’s recommendations should be taken into account. Patients with dry eye complaints should also see a specialist and be examined. Physicians will recommend appropriate medications and appropriate doses.


Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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