What Causes Eye Redness? How Does Redness Go Away?

Eye redness, also known as bloodshot eyes, is a common problem that can develop due to different causes. Although it can sometimes be caused by a simple allergy, it can also indicate serious problems that require medical care.

Let’s take a look at what causes redness of the eye, how to treat it and most importantly, when to consult a doctor.

Why does redness of the eye occur?

Bloodshot eyes, irritated eyes, red eyes and similar expressions are used to describe redness.

Just outside the sclera layer, the white part of our eye, is a network of vascular layers. The main cause of redness is the small blood vessels under the surface of the eye.

For a number of reasons related to different factors, these vascular networks may become dilated or infected. In this case, redness appears in the eye and the person’s eye becomes a red image that can be seen from the outside.

What Causes Redness of the Eye?

The factors that cause dilation or infection of the vascular network need to be evaluated separately. We will discuss the different causes of red eyes and the additional symptoms that may occur according to these causes.

What Causes Eye Redness How Does Redness Go AwayRedness due to dry eye

Dry eye, which develops due to insufficient moisture on the surface of the eye, is one of the most common problems. It can cause redness on the surface of the eye and a bloody appearance. In fact, we can say that the most common answer to the question “why does eye redness occur?” is dry eye.

Other symptoms of dry eye besides eye redness

  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensation of an object in the eye
  • Burning sensation
  • Itching sensation
  • Blurred vision
  • Redness due to Eye Allergies

Allergies can directly affect the eye. Especially in seasonal eye allergies, a red appearance may occur. Allergy does not only manifest itself with redness in the eye. You may also see the symptoms listed below.

  • Itching
  • Eye discharge
  • Burning Sensation
  • Swelling around the eyes
  • In rare cases, a burning sensation in the eye

Redness of the Eye due to Conjunctivitis

The conjunctiva is the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelids and the white part of the eye. Conjunctivitis is a disease that occurs when this membrane becomes inflamed. It is also popularly known as pink eye disease.

As a result of inflammation, the white parts of the eyes take on a red or pinkish appearance. In this case, eye redness occurs. The disease can occur due to different causes.

  • Pollen, mold, pet dander
  • Viral infections
  • We can talk about many different effects, such as the effects of smoke or different chemical substances.

Redness of the eye is not the only common symptom of the disease. Other symptoms include itching, increased burning sensation and the feeling that there is a foreign body in the eye all the time.

Eye redness due to uveitis

Uveitis, which occurs as a result of inflammation in the uvea, the middle part of the eye, is another cause of redness in the eye. In addition to a reddened appearance in the eye; there are also common symptoms such as pain in the eye, hypersensitivity to light, images of flying objects in the eye and blurred vision.

Redness due to blepharitis

Blepharitis, which occurs in the eyelids, can cause redness of the eyelids as well as redness of the eyes. The main symptom is redness of the eye. But there are also other common symptoms. Let’s list these symptoms just below.

  • Photosensitivity status
  • Itching sensation in the eye
  • Crusting on the eyelids in the morning
  • Increasing burning and stinging sensation in the eye

Stye Occurring on the Eyelid

Stye, which is caused by blockages in the meibomian gland, can affect both the eyelids and the eye.

Redness and swelling at the edge of the eyelid may occur due to stye.

Redness due to subconjunctival hemorrhage

Subconjunctival hemorrhage is an eye condition that occurs when a burst blood vessel in the eye leaks blood onto the surface of the eye.

This condition, which often heals on its own, can cause a reddened appearance in the affected eye. Eye injuries can occur when the eyes are rubbed hard, or when coughing or sneezing intensely.

Physical Injuries to the Eye

A blow to the eye or a physical operation can cause redness of the eye. Eliminating the effect and treating the physical injury in the summer will help solve the problem.

Long-term Contact Lens Use

The effects of contact lens wear can lead to red eyes over time. Some situations that you may experience during contact lens wear may cause this effect to increase. These situations are

  • Corneal scratches and abrasions
  • Causes eye infections
  • Triggering eye allergies
  • Acute red eye condition of lens origin

What is good for red eyes?

Some additional measures you can take can help to relieve redness in your eyes. Let’s give a few recommendations for the measures that can be applied.

  • Cold compresses can be applied to the eyes. Applying cold compresses to closed eyes one day apart will be effective in reducing swelling and redness.
  • Avoid wearing eye makeup and lenses for a while.
  • Reduce the time you spend in front of digital screens such as computers and TVs. Rest your eyes.
  • Avoid substances that can cause allergies and irritation in the eye.
  • Try using auxiliary tear drops recommended by your doctor.
  • Do not neglect cleaning your eyelids and the base of your eyelashes.
  • Avoid using harmful substances such as smoking and alcohol use that can increase the dry eye effect.

What Causes Eye Redness How Does Redness Go AwayHow to relieve eye redness?

There are some solutions that you can apply at home to relieve eye redness and relieve the eyes in the short term. However, these solutions should not be seen as solutions that will definitely solve the problem. Although they are applied for instant relief, a specialist doctor should be consulted if the complaint persists. Let’s briefly discuss the methods that can be applied for instant relief.

Hot Compress Applications

You can apply warm compresses to relieve eye redness and make the eyes a little more comfortable. The eye area and lids are sensitive. For this reason, you can apply a towel that is not too hot on your eyes for a certain period of time, allowing your eyes to rest and relax. In this way, you can also relieve the meibomian ducts that have started to clog.

You Can Take a Break from Contact Lenses

If you wear contact lenses, you can try to relieve eye redness by removing your lenses for a while and resting your eyes. Especially if you have problems such as dry eyes, you should pay more attention to changing your lenses and resting your eyes from time to time.

Artificial Tear Drops

If you have a problem such as dry eye and experience redness in the eye due to this, you can try to relieve your eye by using the drops recommended by your doctor.

All these methods can be shown as short-term solutions to relieve eye redness. In order to know exactly what your problem is caused by and to determine the right treatment, you should consult a specialist doctor if your complaint persists. As mentioned above, redness can be caused by many different reasons.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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