Cataract is often referred to as an aging-related disease. We cannot say that this is wrong. Yes, cataract is a progressive disease that develops due to aging and causes loss of vision after a certain age. What about cataracts in babies? If I change the question a little more, is it possible to have cataracts in children? This is one of the most curious questions and one of the most researched questions by parents. Without further ado, let us give you the answers and remove the question marks in your mind.
Cataract in Infants
As we mentioned in the introduction, cataracts can also occur in infants and children, although it is considered to be a disease of old age. In this condition, often referred to as congenital cataract, the lens in one or both eyes suddenly loses its transparency. A gradually increasing opacity occurs.
Just like in adults, in the development of cataracts in infants, vision gradually deteriorates and the lens may continue to dull. In other words, the progressive nature of the disease is similar.
When congenital cataract is considered from this point of view, it is a condition that requires immediate intervention. A doctor should be consulted quickly and necessary treatments should be performed. In this way, it is ensured that the disease is prevented and treated before it reaches a more advanced level.
What Causes Cataract in Infants?
This is another curious question. In cataracts that occur in advanced ages, the deterioration in the structure of the lens over time is the biggest cause. In children and newborns, the causes may be slightly different. Let’s list the most common causes.
- Genetic causes – (genetic factors are cited as the cause in 30% of cases)
- It may be a side effect of some medications used by the mother during pregnancy.
- Again, some diseases that the mother suffered during pregnancy may have caused this condition.
- We can also see congenital cataracts in cases of exposure to UV rays such as X-rays.
Apart from these reasons, parents need to be extra careful about cataract formation in babies. Since the symptoms cannot be understood by the baby, the attention of the parent and the controls to be performed will be decisive here. At this point, we can also mention some symptoms.
What are the symptoms of cataracts in infants and children?
- Sensitivity to light occurs and your baby or child shows signs of sensitivity to light sources.
- Especially in infants, we can talk about symptoms such as not following objects and not looking around.
- Dulling of the pupil occurs, you can see a white veil in the center of the pupil.
How is cataract treatment in infants?
The only real solution for cataract is surgical operation. This situation does not change in infants. Surgical method is applied again. However, intraocular lens application may not be performed immediately after lens removal in infants and children. Intraocular implantation should be applied after a certain age. The doctor will determine the correct method and application.
One of the issues to be considered here is the postoperative period. After cataract surgery in infants and children, continuous follow-up and supportive treatments may be necessary to prevent the development of lazy eye.