Are Multifocal Lenses or Monofocal Lenses Better?

The most important point for patients who will undergo intraocular lens surgery is the lens selection. The lens selection, which directly affects the quality of vision, should be made in the most suitable way for the patient’s eye. In this way, vision problems that may occur in the future are also prevented. So which lens is better to choose here? Are multifocal lenses or monofocal lenses better? We will try to answer the question through a scientific research.

Multifocal Lenses and Monofocal Lenses – Which is More Advantageous?

In the scientific research published on Slack Journals, 2230 patients with cataract surgery were evaluated. The results of the comparison between multifocal and monofocal lenses are just below.

Multifokal mercekler mi yoksa monofokal mercekler mi

How are the Results?

  • Near Vision: Multifocal lenses provided better results in near vision performance.
  • Far Vision: The distance vision performance achieved with multifocal lenses was very close to the distance vision performance achieved with monofocal lenses.
  • Spectacle Independence: Multifocal lenses resulted in less need for glasses, while monofocal lenses resulted in more need for glasses.
  • Possible Side Effects: Multifocal lenses caused more glare problems compared to monofocal lenses. We can say that the biggest side effect of multifocal lenses is the glare problem.

When all these results are evaluated, it is seen that multifocal lenses, although they have side effects, produce more satisfactory results in terms of quality of life and quality of vision in general.

Of course, let us remind you that in order to make the best decision here, you should consult your doctor and conduct a detailed study on which lens to choose


Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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