What Causes Photophobia (Photosensitivity)?

Our eyes are tolerant up to a certain level of light. This means that the eyes can tolerate certain levels of light and there is no discomfort. However, this is not the case for people who suffer from photophobia, i.e. photosensitivity. So what is photophobia? What kind of discomfort does it cause?

What is Photophobia?

Photophobia, also known as photosensitivity, is when a person experiences discomfort even at light levels that do not exceed their tolerance threshold. In case of photosensitivity, the person may experience eye pain, eye fatigue and headaches in the presence of light sources.

If photosensitivity persists for a long time or occurs spontaneously, it can be a sign of some diseases. We will talk about these diseases, but first let’s look at what the symptoms of photophobia are and how it manifests itself.

Let’s share the most common symptoms as a list.

  • Excessive watering and redness of the eyes in the presence of light sources.
  • Pain in the eyes when exposed to direct light and discomfort even in shallow light.
  • Experiencing intense headaches even in low light sources.
  • Intense eye fatigue in the presence of light sources.

If one or more of these symptoms are present, we can say that photophobia is experienced. So what are the causes of photosensitivity? Actually, these causes are the most important ones.

Fotofobi (Işığa Duyarlılık) Belirtileri 1

What are the Causes of Photosensitivity?

  • Infections that may occur in the eye. In case of infection, discomfort may be felt from light sources.
  • Common eye pressure problem. In glaucoma, which can cause instantaneous increases, sensitivity to light may increase. We can even say that this is one of the common causes.
  • After laser operations such as LASIK, the eye may experience increased sensitivity to light, albeit short-term.
  • Injuries to the eye can cause traumas as well as increased sensitivity to light sources.
  • Photophobia may be experienced in diseases such as migraine. We often see increased sensitivity to light, especially during attacks. For this reason, it is generally preferred to rest in a dark environment during the attack stages.
  • If there is a dry eye problem, dry eyes can also cause light sensitivity.
  • Various brain diseases can also cause sensitivity to light in the eyes. A detailed examination may be required to detect this condition.

How to treat photosensitivity?

To treat photosensitivity, it is important to assess the causes. Let’s say you have undergone LASIK treatment and you feel sensitivity to light after the operation. This is usually temporary and it will be enough to follow the treatments prescribed by the doctor. However, if there is a more permanent problem, different treatments may be considered. The most common treatments and measures for people with photophobia are as follows.

  • Use of protective glasses and lenses.
  • Different treatments such as light therapy.
  • If there is a complaint such as dry eyes, using appropriate treatments and eye drops to keep the eyes sufficiently moisturized.

If you are sensitive to light, as mentioned above, the first thing to do is to consult your specialist doctor. The underlying cause should be determined and treatments should be chosen accordingly. This is only possible through detailed examinations.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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