What is YAG Laser? What is the Relationship with Cataract?

Laser eye surgeries are usually performed to remove refractive errors in the eye and to restore clear vision. However, laser treatment is not only used to remove refractive errors. There are different laser treatments preferred for different vision complaints. YAG laser treatment is one of them. Contrary to popular belief, there is no process such as correcting the cornea and removing refractive errors in YAG laser. So what is this treatment for and in which cases is it preferred?

What is YAG?

YAG (Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser) is a sensitive type of laser that removes unwanted tissues in the eye. Although it is used for the removal of several different problems, it is mostly preferred for capsule dulling after cataract surgery.

First, let’s briefly explain what cataract surgery is and how it is performed. In cataract surgery, a matting occurs in the natural lens of the eye.

This opacification leads to obstruction of vision over time and stands out as a progressive disease. In the treatment phase, what needs to be done is to remove the dulled lens and replace it with a new lens.

When the new lens is inserted into the eye, the membrane where the lens was placed is left. This is because the artificial lens has a place to hold on to in the eye. Not in every patient, but in the future, blurring and dulling may occur in this membrane left in the eye.

In such cases, YAG laser is preferred and the dulling of the membrane is eliminated.

How is YAG Laser Performed? Is Anesthesia Required?

We are talking about a very simple operation. There is no need for any surgery. The operation can be performed in the examination environment and can be considered as one of the types of treatment we call outpatient treatment.

In this process, the necessary drops are instilled into the patient’s eye and the pupil is dilated. Afterwards, anesthesia drops are instilled and the eye is numbed. After the eye is anesthetized, the application is started with a special laser device.

We can say that patients feel only sound and light during laser application. The operation is completed after 5-10 minutes.

YAG lazer tedavisi

Recovery Process After YAG

After the laser procedure is completed, the patient has to rest for a while. Due to the effect of the drops used to dilate the pupil, problems such as blurred vision may occur for a certain period of time.

Vision problems are expected to disappear within a few hours. During this process, the patient may be given relaxing drops, as well as certain medications to prevent an increase in intraocular pressure.

Are there any complications with YAG laser?

Since it is a simple and bladeless procedure, we can say that the complications that the treatment may cause are limited. In rare cases

  • Increased intraocular pressure,
  • The appearance of burning and stinging sensation in the eye,
  • Conditions such as glare and blurred vision may occur.

We can say that most of these side effects are temporary and short-term side effects. However, if the effects persist for a long time, you should consult your doctor.

You can also take precautions against dry eye, which is a risk of laser treatments in general. For this, idealizing the eye surface before the operation will be the most effective solution. Solutions such as Laser PrimeCare are offered at the point of idealizing the eye surface. If you would like to learn more about Laser PrimeCare, you can visit the link here.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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